Ambaji Temple in Gujarat

Ambaji Temple in Gujarat. is situated in the Mountain Rows of Aravali. Shree Arasuri Ambaji Mata Gabbar and Temple is situated there. Millions of Devotees Visited the temple Every year and in the poonam and specially Chaitri and Bhadarvi poonam is the special day have most importance in amabji padyatra. devotees coming from different states and cities by walking through ambaji temple. ambaji temple in the Banaskantha District is the 51 shakti peethas in India. in the north gujrat. ambaji temple manage the amenities for the visitors. a dharma shala/ lodge and bhojan shala, is run by temple trust for devotees coming from various places. Gabbar tirth is just 5 km from Temple tirth.

Ahmedabad to Ambaji Road Map : Total Distance is 185 km

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